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Conservation Commission Minutes 03/10/2011
Chichester Conservation Commission
DRAFT Minutes of Meeting March 10, 2010 DRAFT

Members present: Zach Boyajian, Gordon Jones, Blaze Konefal, Robert Mann, Dawn Marshall

Chairman Mann opened meeting at 7:05

1.      Chichester Park and Recreation ,represented by Richard DeBold and Ansel Sanborn , presented initial plans for a perimeter trial for Carpenter Park. Park and Recreation is seeking a state grant for the trail. No site layout or engineering has been done yet. Mr. Debold presented a cross section of possible dirt removal for expansion of the level playing fields. Discussion ensued about how much of the existing slope may be impacted with resulting cutting of trees. The impact area is around 25,000 square feet. The perimeter path would be positioned at the crown of the new slope. Mr. DeBold will try to get a more precise location of the level field vs the existing slope by mid April. This will enable a better understanding of the possible timber value of the land involved.
2.      Discussion ensued about the 4 town warrants proposed by the Conservation Commission and possible need to present reasons for them at the upcoming town meeting.
3.      The proposed Northern Pass power lines and impact on Chichester were discussed. The town has filed for intervenor status. Mr. Boyajian mentioned the multiple steps involved and where public input is required. A letter, written by Mr. Mann, was reviewed that is to be sent in, outlined in broad terms the concerns of the proposed routes and their impact. The letter was approved by all Committee members. Also the Commission will ask to be able to speak at the upcoming scope meeting.
4.      The draft minutes of last months meeting were reviewed. A change in wording to “potential impact of the expanded fields” was the only change. Motion to approve revised minutes was approved and passed.
5.      The following items in the mail box were reviewed: A brochure from the Forest Society on Northern Pass, DES notification of a septic system, and some upcoming seminars.
6.      Carpenter Park – Mr. Boyajian had walked the southern part of Carpenter Park and noted the existence of a deer yard among hemlocks on a south facing slope.
7.      The Commission will send a letter supporting the Heritage Commissions plan to seek state aid in repairing the Town Hall windows.
8.      Two management plans were submitted by Foresters. Interviews with the two companies will be scheduled for 7:30 on 4/14. Mr. Jones will see if the companies can send electronic copies of some of their past work before the meeting.
9.      Mr. Konefal will present an introduction to the abilities and use of the recently purchased GPS unit at 8:30 on 4/14. Actual field use of the GPS will be done at some later time.
10.     Mrs. Marshall had been working with Fred Shaw on updating the Commission information on the town website. Mr. Mann will seek from Mrs. Tanner what the process is to ensure that Committee minutes are posted on the web site.
11.     Various areas in town were discussed for conservation easements. It was noted that the monies for this had seen a recent increase do to payment of the Land Use Change Tax.

Motion to adjourn at 9:25. Motion passes.

Prepared by Blaze Konefal